Preschool Tuition

5443 Ash St. Highland Park


5 Days 9 Hour Program

Infant in (Diapers) 18 to 36 months

Monthly - $1,733

5 Days 10 Hour Program

Preschoolers (Accident free, Self Sufficient) ) 3 to 5 years

Monthly - $1,585

Part-Time Program

9-Hour Program

Infant in (Diapers) 18 to 36 months

2 Days per week - $850

3 Days per week - $1,225

9-Hour Program

Preschoolers (Accident free, Self Sufficient,) 2 and 3 years

2 Days per week - $750

3 Days per week - $1,125

Playhouse Tuition

330 E Newman Ave. location


All meals included

5 Days 9-Hour Program

Infants 2 to 24 months 

Monthly - $2,210.00               

Toddler & Preschooler 2 and 4 years                              

Monthly - $1,885.00

5 Days 10-Hour Program

Toddler & Preschooler 4 and 6 years

Monthly $1,685.00

Part-time or Half Days are NOT Available.